About Me

Augmented Reality Programmer, Researcher and Enthusiast
I am Long Qian (钱隆). I work as Senior R&D Engineer at Medivis.
Prior to joining Medivis, I obtained Ph.D at the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. My research focuses are Augmented Reality and Medical Robotics, supervised by Dr. Peter Kazanzides and Dr. Nassir Navab. I received B.E. at the Department of Electronics Engineering at Tsinghua University, China. [CV]
- 2021/11 — 1 paper accepted at ACM Computing Surveys
- 2020/11 — 1 paper accepted at IEEE TVCG
- 2020/08 — I joined Medivis Inc.
- 2020/03 — I defended my Ph.D dissertation, titled Augmented Reality Assistance for Surgical Interventions Using Optical See-through Head-mounted Displays
- 2019/12 — 1 paper accepted at IEEE T-MRB
- 2019/10 — Our team finished 4th place in MICCAI SCARED challenge
- 2019/08 — 1 paper accepted for oral presentation at MICCAI
- 2019/08 — Our team won the Best Project Award at MARSS
- 2019/06 — 1 paper received Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award at HSMR
- 2019/01 — 1 paper accepted at ICRA
- 2018/10 — 1 paper accepted at ISMAR and IEEE TVCG
Selected Publication
For a full list of publication, please see [Google Scholar].
- Long Qian, Tianyu Song, Mathias Unberath and Peter Kazanzides. AR-Loupe: Magnified Augmented Reality by Combining an Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display and a Loupe. 2020 IEEE TVCG. [paper]
- Long Qian, Jie Ying Wu, Simon DiMaio, Nassir Navab and Peter Kazanzides. A Review of Augmented Reality in Robotic-Assisted Surgery. 2019 IEEE T-MRB. [paper]
- Long Qian, Xiran Zhang, Anton Deguet and Peter Kazanzides. ARAMIS: Augmented Reality Assistance for Minimally Invasive Surgery using a Head-Mounted Display. 2019 MICCAI. [Oral] [paper] [video] [poster]
- Long Qian, Anton Deguet and Peter Kazanzides. dVRK-XR: Mixed Reality Extension for da Vinci Research Kit. 2019 Hamlyn Symposium. [Best Paper Award, 2nd place] [preprint] [code]
- Long Qian, Anton Deguet, Zerui Wang, Yun-Hui Liu and Peter Kazanzides. Augmented Reality Assisted Instrument Insertion and Tool Manipulation for the First Assistant in Robotic Surgery. 2019 ICRA [paper] [video]
- Long Qian, Alexander Plopski, Nassir Navab and Peter Kazanzides. Restoring the Awareness in the Occluded Visual Field for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays. 2018 ISMAR & TVCG [paper] [video]
- Long Qian, Anton Deguet and Peter Kazanzides. ARssist: Augmented Reality on a Head-Mounted Display for the First Assistant in Robotic Surgery. 2018 AE-CAI & IET HTL [Outstanding Paper Award] [paper] [poster] [video]
- Long Qian, Alexander Barthel, Alex Johnson, Greg Osgood, Peter Kazanzides, Nassir Navab and Bernhard Fuerst. Comparison of Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays for Surgical Interventions with Object-Anchored 2D-Display. 2017 IPCAI [paper]
Professional Experience
- Applied Research Engineer, Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, 2020
- Software Engineer, Google Daydream, Mountain View, 2017
- Applied Research Engineer, Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, 2017
- Data Analyst and Consultant, Accenture Beijing, 2015
Teaching Assistant
- Robot Devices, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control, Fall 2016 [course]
- Intro Programming for Scientists & Engineers, Fall 2015 [course]
Guest Lecturer
- Augmented Reality, Spring 2018 & Spring 2019 [course]
Research Assistant
For a list of projects, please see [Projects] page.
- Evaluation of Augmented Reality Guidance for the First Assistant, 2019 Intuitive Clinical Research Grant
- Augmented Reality for First Assistant in Robotics Surgery, 2018 Intuitive Technology Research Grant
- Augmented Reality for Combat Medics Training, 2015 – 2017 [project]
- Calibration Methods for Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display, 2015 – 2017 [project]
- Ethernet-Firewire Firmware for da Vinci Research Kit, 2014 [project]
Other Activities
I am a fan of Baltimore Ravens and a penya member of FC Barcelona.
I also enjoy playing and .